Friday, October 14, 2011

Motivation 9


1.Happiness real life is to live humbly. (W. M. Thancheray)

2.From all things, knowledge is the best, because it is not taxable nor responsibility can not be stolen, because it can not be bought, and can not be destroyed. (Hitopadesa)

3.If people begin with certainties, he will end up with doubt. If people begin with doubts, he will end up with certainty. (Francis Bacon)

4.Only few people who want freedom, most just want a fair master. (Gaius Sallatus crispus)

5.Unwanted, unloved, ignored, forgotten, it is suffering a severe famine, poverty is greater than the people who can not eat. We must each feel about it. (Mother Teresa)

6.Experience not only has to happen to you. It's what you do with events that you experience. (Aldous Huxley)

7.World is a comedy for those thinking about it, or a tragedy for those who feel it. (Harace Walpole)

8.I trust said managing means holding a pigeon in his fist. If too tight it will die. But if too loose, could be released. (Tommy LaSorda)

9. Human history is the burial ground of the high cultures, which fall out because they are unable to perform voluntary reaction to a planned and rational for the challenge. (Erich Fromm)

10.Progress is a melodious words. But transform movers and changes have many enemies. (Robert F. Kennedy)


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