Friday, October 14, 2011

Motivation 12


1.Device saver's most popular work to date still to be husband. (Joey Adams)

2.An archaeologist is best husband a woman could be obtained; the older the wife, the greater interest to her husband. (Agatha Cristie)

3.I prefer daydreams for the future rather than past history. (Thomas Jefferson from 1743 to 1826)

4.Do not give advice unless asked. (Erasmus)

5.Human easily deceived by his loved ones. (Molire)

6.Before write, learn to think first. (Boileau)

7.People moderately minded, able to write with great feeling. People with big hearts to feel able to write moderately. (La Bruyere)

8.Victory the most beautiful is to conquer the heart itself. (La Fontaine)

9.No there are as soft and hard hearts. (G. C. Lichtenberg)

10.Better understand a little than misunderstand. (A. France)

11.People require two years to speak, but fifty years to learn to shut up. (Ernest Hemingway)

12.Writer intellectual rare books. Intellectual yan is they talk about the book written by someone else. (Françoise Sagan)

13.People who polluted the air with the factory and the ghetto child who smashed shop windows showing the same thing. They do not care about other people. (Dhaniel Patrick Moynihan)

14.They who dream during the day will be more aware of the dangers that escape from the sight of their dreams at night. (Edgar Allen Poe)

15. "Start" is a word full of strength. The best way to get things done is, "start". But also surprisingly, the work of what we can accomplish if we just started. (Clifford Warren)

16.I'm not only use all intelligence possessed the brain but also that I can borrow. (Woodrow Wilson)

17.Who losing is a form of punishment for failure. The winner is the appreciation of his success. (Bob Gilbert)

18.If you say what you think, do not expect to hear only what you love. (Malcolm S. Forbes)

19.Difficulty is like a baby. Can only be developed by way of care. (Douglas Jerrold)

Motivation 11


1.Education has a root of bitterness, but the fruit is sweet. (Aristotle)

2.Education develop the skills, but did not create it. (Voltaire)

3.Education who either do not guarantee the formation of good character. (Fonttenelle)

4.After eating, education is the primary need of the people. (Danton)

5.Humility like famous people. But the man who was nothing hard to be humble. (Paul Valery)

6.Emancipation is an art to stand on its own feet, but held the hands of others. (Alex Winter)

7.Before married I had six theories about how to educate children. Now I have six children and no theories. (John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester from 1647 to 1680)

8.Happiness is like coke, he obtained as a byproduct in the process of making something. (Aldous Huxley)

9.From airplane that I love, I see that I adore science destroy culture, but I expect them to be used for culture. (Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr..)

10.Hope is the pole that supported the world. (Pliny the Elder)

Motivation 10


1.We teaches discipline for enterprising, to work, for good, not so that the children become sluggish, passive, or submissive. (Maria Montessori)

2.Assignment and education is to see to it that children do not have the same mistaken belief that kindness by being sluggish and the same crime by being enterprising. (Maria Montessori)

3.Ability curb the desire is the background of the character. (John Locke 1632-1704)

4.Happiness of each country more dependent on the character of its inhabitants rather than its form of government. (Thomas Chandler Haliburton 1796-1865)

5.Brush off floors and washing bedpans as noble as the president. (Richard M. Nixon)

6.Do not never slammed the door, who know we must go back. (Don Herold)

7.Diplomat is the person who always remembered on the anniversary of a woman but never remember how old she was. (Robert Frost)

8.People most unhappy are those who most fear change. (Mignon McLaughlin)

9.If gradually become the old man, he tends generally opposed to change, especially change for the better. (John Steinbeck)

10.As long as my life who has 87 years, I have witnessed a spate of technological revolution. But none of them that do not require good character or ability to think. (Bernard M. Baruch)

Motivation 9


1.Happiness real life is to live humbly. (W. M. Thancheray)

2.From all things, knowledge is the best, because it is not taxable nor responsibility can not be stolen, because it can not be bought, and can not be destroyed. (Hitopadesa)

3.If people begin with certainties, he will end up with doubt. If people begin with doubts, he will end up with certainty. (Francis Bacon)

4.Only few people who want freedom, most just want a fair master. (Gaius Sallatus crispus)

5.Unwanted, unloved, ignored, forgotten, it is suffering a severe famine, poverty is greater than the people who can not eat. We must each feel about it. (Mother Teresa)

6.Experience not only has to happen to you. It's what you do with events that you experience. (Aldous Huxley)

7.World is a comedy for those thinking about it, or a tragedy for those who feel it. (Harace Walpole)

8.I trust said managing means holding a pigeon in his fist. If too tight it will die. But if too loose, could be released. (Tommy LaSorda)

9. Human history is the burial ground of the high cultures, which fall out because they are unable to perform voluntary reaction to a planned and rational for the challenge. (Erich Fromm)

10.Progress is a melodious words. But transform movers and changes have many enemies. (Robert F. Kennedy)

Motivation 8


1. Anger is easy. But angry with whom, with appropriate levels of anger, on time and on target, as well as the correct way is difficult. (Aristotle)

2. Pain makes you think. The thought makes you wise. Wisdom allows us to survive in life. (John Pattrick).

3. Never forget anything someone says when he was angry, because it will be like that too in your care. (Henry Ward Beecher)

4. Success is the ability to pass through and overcome from one failure to the next without losing enthusiasm. (Winston Churchill)

5. Talent is formed in a wave of silence, the characters are formed in the ripples of life. (Goethe)

6. Theoretically I believe life should be enjoyed, but in fact quite the contrary - Because not everything is easily enjoyed. (Charles Lamb)

7. People who want a dream come true, have to keep yourself from falling asleep. (Richard Wheeler)

8. If you want to be happy, make a goal that can control the mind, releasing energy, and inspires your hopes, (Andrew Carnegie).

9. We only think when we hit on the problem. (John Dewey)

Another 10.Fault lies in our eyes, but our own fault lies in our backs. (Ruchert)

11.Good for others is always really happy. (Aristotle)

12.All real rational and all that is rational is real. (Hegel)

13.Before Helping others, I should be able to help themselves. Prior to strengthen others, I should be able to strengthen ourselves first. (Peter Claver)

14.Better both fought and lost than not have fought at all. (Arthur Hugh Clough)

15.Life is a joke that has just begun. (W. S. Gilbert)

16.People who can use and save money is the happiest person, because he has both pleasure. (Samuel Johnson)

17.Expediency never lie. (Homer)

18.God often visited us, but most of us are not home. (Joseph Roux)

19.A good listener tries to understand fully what others are saying. In the end he may disagree, but before he disagrees, he wants to know
exactly what is not agreed upon. (Kenneth A. Wells)

20.A man half in love with a woman who listened attentively to what he said. (Brenden Francis)