Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Decide Yarn It

Decide Yarn It!

Written by: Anne Ahira

The success is determined by the size

our beliefs to gain the victory!

There is a saying ...

What were we thinking, that's
is happening, or will occur.

Therefore ... train themselves, liver, and

mind to always respond

only on positive things!

Train he continuously ...

not only for a moment, but sustainable ...

all the time!

"A piece of thread is actually just

exist in your mind! "

There is a true story about an elephant.

Since childhood he had chained his legs

with a chain as far as 4 meters.

What happens when the chain

replaced by a thread?

Elephants were still around & not

dare to step out of the area

circle 4 meters it!

From this story, what lessons

can we take?

Sorry, I do not mean to equate

ourselves with an elephant. :-)

But it can be, we also have

shackled with a rope

that binds us!
We do not dare get out of the zone

considered convenient. Although true,

we can do a lot of great things

of our expectations!

Let us be honest to yourself,

how many actual opportunities

present, passing in front of you, but

  You do not care about?

You might consider the opportunity

'Too high' for you, and

felt did not belong there.

Or maybe you even feel

able to do that yet

have never tried it?

We all know, all things

we think 'so great', often

not always as we


Or things that we think is difficult,

sometimes actually very easy!

There are two keys in this regard:

1. You will be able to if you think you can

2. You will fail if you think fail

So, do not blame anyone if

success has not approached us.

Therefore, the main factor lies in


Therefore, pay attention to

carefully, and ask yourself,

Is there a thread that has been

handcuff ourselves for this?

If yes, then immediately to disconnect

yarn it!

Try to move forward from the circle

that we've made and have been

handcuff ourselves!

Opportunity is actually always present

anytime. However, because we always

Just close your eyes, ears, and mind

us, the opportunity will be missed

just like that!

If you still hesitate to

step, try to train it

little by little. And if you're already convinced, then immediately run fast,

shackled out of you!

If it's like this, then who else

who benefited, if not your own? :-)


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