Friday, June 17, 2011

motivation 6


Life is a great gift given to our Lord, who only come once all time. It means we can only experience life in this world only once. Therefore we must give thanks always, although this time you're feeling sad or happy, healthy or sick, rich or poor.

As humans, it is natural if we occasionally complain to the state that does not fit. But, not worth it if every time we found it to stray away from what we want faced with complaining. Complaining seems to have become "trend". For instance in the presence of social networks that allow for anything that we can share our experience.

Cheating is sometimes seen as something that is so very interesting to do. So easy, instant, no need to process long period and then enjoyment  can be enjoyed immediately. But unlike the case with the truth, sometimes does not look attractive, necessary process, need to pay the price, sacrifice, etc. need to keep the heart

Diamond has various functions both in drilling, cutting tools, and jewelry. But is not it that makes diamond / diamond become so valuable. The original diamond becomes valuable because there are rare and difficult to obtain. It is useful to remember when you're faced with obstacles / problems. Constraint gives value to whatever you want to accomplish.

In this life we ​​can not always do great things. But we can do a lot of small things with great love.

Vision without execution is daydreaming. Execution without vision is a nightmare ..

Life is short. No time to leave important words unsaid.

Monday, June 6, 2011



Leadership is the willingness to take risks.
Leadership is the desire to make a difference with others.
Leadership is not satisfied with the current reality.
Leadership is accepting responsibility while others are making excuses.
Leadership is seeing opportunities in a situation while others see limitations.
Leadership is the readiness to stand out in a crowd.
Leadership is an open mind and open heart.
Leadership is the ability to submerge your ego for the sake of what is best.
Leadership is to arouse in others the capacity to dream.
Leadership is inspiring others with a vision of what they can contribute.
Leadership is the power of a person to control a lot of people.
Leadership is your heart that speaks to the hearts of others.
Leadership is a combination of heart, head and soul.
Leadership is the capacity to care, and in caring, to liberate ideas, energy, and capacity of others.
Leadership is the dream which in embodied.
Leadership is an especially courage.

And it turned out to lead others more easily than the lead himself ....... Lead yourself before you lead others.